AI/ML and Brain Tech Bootcamp 1.0: Revolutionizing Innovation and Education

This fall, Sofia, Bulgaria will become a hub of cutting-edge technological learning and innovation with the inaugural AI/ML and Brain Tech Bootcamp 1.0. From October 7-11, 2024, this transformative event will gather Master's and PhD students aged 21-40 to immerse themselves in the latest advancements in biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and smart technologies.

A Unique Learning Experience

The AI/ML and Brain Tech Bootcamp 1.0 is not just another conference. It is an intensive, hands-on educational experience designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. The boot camp will cover key areas such as genetic engineering, bioinformatics, AI algorithms, machine learning, IoT, smart cities, and renewable energy technologies.

Participants will engage in workshops, interactive sessions, and collaborative projects, ensuring they leave with tangible skills and a deeper understanding of how to drive innovation in their respective fields.

Esteemed Speakers and Mentors

The boot camp boasts an impressive roster of speakers and mentors, each a leader in their field:

Founders and Organizers

The AI/ML and Brain Tech Bootcamp 1.0 is organized by leading organizations dedicated to fostering innovation and technological advancements:

Knowledge Partner

The EU-funded VIBraTE ERA Chair (Grant no 101086815) will establish a Neurotechnology laboratory at the IICT, further enhancing the educational and research opportunities available to Bootcamp participants:

Why Should You Attend?

This Bootcamp offers a rare opportunity to learn from and interact with leading experts in biotechnology, AI, and smart technologies. Participants will:

How to Apply

Spaces are limited, so act now to secure your place at this groundbreaking event.

Apply now: AI/ML and Brain Tech Bootcamp 1.0

Leading Technologies in Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, Microelectronics, and Circular Economy Showcased at the Third Edition of Spinoff Conference 2024

Sofia, June 25, 2024 – The international conference Spinoff Conference was held on June 20 and 21, 2024, at Sofia Tech Park, John Atanasoff Forum, once again providing a platform for exchanging ideas, know-how, and raising awareness on topics related to technology transfer.

The primary goal set by the organisers— Health and Life Sciences Cluster, Artificial Intelligence Cluster Bulgaria, Venrize – spinoff factory, ISTEB—is to create a favourable environment for the growth and realization of 100 spinoff companies by 2030. These companies aim to provide high-value-added products and services crucial for the modernization and innovation of the Bulgarian economy. The initiative is supported by numerous ministries, municipalities, professional associations, and universities.

At the conference's opening, Kristina Eskenazi, one of the main organizers, shared that over the past three years, more than 40 spinoff companies have been presented and awarded on the prestigious stage. "Bulgaria has immense capacity in cutting-edge technologies, and over the next two days, we have the opportunity to showcase them to you," she stated.

Day One Highlights

The first day of the conference focused on investments and funding for innovative companies in Europe. Experience and recommendations were shared by Sven De Cleyn, PhD – Managing Director of imec.istart Fund & Fund, Diane Nevin – CEO of Grit International Female Network, Sebastian Schenk from Verbund X Ventures, Henk Joos from MEDVIA, and Christophe Pompée - Venture Partner at Wippd Ventures, expertly moderated by Pavel Lisev – Executive Director and Member of the Management Board of the Fund of Funds.

The following hours featured presentations from over 20 technology startups, divided into several panels. Among them was the selection panel for the largest MedTech investor forum, HealthTech Investor Summit (HTIS24), which will take place from December 9-11 in Bruges, Belgium. Spinoff Conference is one of the 23 partners of the event. Four Bulgarian and one Romanian company will present on the prestigious stage, including Barin Sports, Epix AI, Neuromorphica, Kelvin Health, and AlignSpine.

Awards and Recognitions

One of the most anticipated events of the conference was the awarding of "Spinoff of the Year." This prestigious award was given to companies that have successfully implemented innovative technologies and achieved significant market success. Six companies were awarded the Spinoff of the Year 2024: Momfident, VAReyes, Senesys. Biо, Simenso Ltd, MedTechLab, and Neuromorphica.

In 2023, the awarded companies included Micar21 (novel drug molecules), EpixAI (epigenetics), Kelvin Health (diagnostics), Metrichem (bioprinting), and Barin Sports (telemetry). Their technologies are now conquering numerous international stages and attracting funding.

Start of the Spinoff Danube Alliance

The Spinoff Conference in Bulgaria marked the launch of a newly formed network designed to support spinoff companies and stakeholders in the Danube region. The initiative called Spinoff Danube Alliance (SDA) aims to be a central hub where spinoffs, technology transfer experts, and investment organizations from the region can collaborate, exchange best practices, and discuss the latest developments in science-based innovation.

The sectoral focus of the initiative will be on ClimateTech and Artificial Intelligence, currently two of the most relevant topics in Europe and on a global level. Next to the initiators and organisers of the Spinoff initiative in Bulgaria, the initiators of the SDA include leading organisations such as VERBUND X, Spinoff Austria, INITS, New Venture Scouting, Vangaivs, and the Austrian Institute of Technology. The initiative is supported by partners like Frauenhofer from Germany as well as by stakeholders from Slovakia, Croatia, and the wider Danube region.

“Our goal is to support the development of a sustainable spinoff ecosystem in the Danube region by connecting national frontrunners with international partners. Awareness, knowledge exchange about best practices, and a strong network will be key elements for the development of the sector in the region”  states Kaloyan Ratchev, co-organizer of the SDA and the Spinoff Conference in Bulgaria.

Workshops and Panels

Co-organizers this year included Cleantech Bulgaria, the EIT Manufacturing Hub for Bulgaria, the largest European network for industrial innovation. During the conference, Cleantech Bulgaria and EIT Manufacturing presented support opportunities, including open calls for funding innovation projects with a budget of 11 million euros. The published calls will fund projects in two main areas: Innovative solutions for industrial challenges—creative and effective solutions for existing problems in the industry, and Transition to sustainable and human-oriented production—projects focusing on environmental sustainability and the human factor. For more information and application submission, visit the EIT Manufacturing website – Call for Proposals 2025.

Under the SPREAD2INNO project, aimed at implementing a scalable, replicable, and holistic two-year program to provide high-quality business services and cooperation between different regional innovation ecosystems, Cleantech Bulgaria presented 9 companies: Dataphoria (Greece), H-CAM (Greece), c-BEMS/INTELIGG (Greece), Lunar Cargo (Greece), Solumar (Bulgaria), Mealprot (Bulgaria), Capsule Corporation (Italy), Saferplaces (Italy), and Golden Snails (Bulgaria).

This year's program also included a variety of practical workshops, panels, and discussions covering different aspects of entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment in spinoff companies.

Research and projects in the field of the European biotechnology ecosystem—INNAXE, the Digital European Health Hub—VELES, and the first European Innovation Valley for personalized medicine—PRECISEU were presented. The Health and Life Sciences Cluster, a main organizer of the event, serves as the unifying element in the presented projects. Over its 5-year history, the cluster has established itself in the European ecosystem, successfully implementing a series of projects under Horizon Europe and participating in the largest biotechnology and medicine networks (EuropaBio, CEBR - Council of European Bioregions, ECHAlliance (, ECCP The inclusion of the cluster in the new European Health Institute initiative was also officially announced.

Workshops dedicated to Horizon Europe, Health Cluster, held by the National Contact Network at the Ministry of Education and Science, and those focusing on practical solutions and strategies for protecting innovations and technologies were conducted in partnership with the U.S. Department of State and SECURUS Strategic Trade Solutions, LLC. Training from EIT Manufacturing on funding and support opportunities for SMEs, as well as sessions on emerging technologies—artificial intelligence and next-generation technologies for accelerating innovation adoption—also took place.

Speakers and Experts

The conference welcomed numerous influential leaders and experts who shared their knowledge and experience. Among them, the Bulgarian audience met Dr. Claire Skentelbery - Director General of EuropaBio, Montse Daban - President of the Board of the Council for European BioRegions, Dario Zoric - Head of Regional Digitization at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sarah Ackerman, Ph.D., PMP, Program ManagerProgram Manager at U.S. Department of State, Dr. Hamish McAlpine from Oxentia, Anne-Charlotte Joubert - Project Leader of INVEST'HER, project manager at Euro-BioImaging, Sven De Cleyn, PhD - Managing Director of imec.istart Fund & Fund, Sebastian Schenk and Lisa Kratochwill - Verbund X Ventures, Henk Joos - General Manager of MEDVIA, Christophe Pompée - Partner at Wippd Ventures, and many more partners from Spain, Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, the USA, and the UK.

Partners of the conference include SECURUS Strategic Trade Solutions, VERBUND, Invest Sofia, Cleantech Bulgaria, EIT Manufacturing South East, BioHub Group, Vangavis, Ministry of Education and Science, Horizon Europe, Fund of Funds, Devin Spring Water, Martines Coffee, MEDIC-NEST META-CLUSTER IN PRECISION MEDICINE, Imago-Mol Cluster, HealthTech Investor Summit, United States Department of State Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR), Flanders Investment & Trade, Micar21, America for Bulgaria Foundation, Cluster of Microelectronics and Industrial Electronics Systems, EuropaBio, European AI Forum, Technical University Sofia, SPIN-OFF Austria, Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIB), Valentin Savov & Partners, Google Developer Groups (GDG) Plovdiv.

Don't miss the next edition of Spinoff Conference – June 19-20, 2025!

Be part of the future of innovation in Bulgaria! For more information, visit 

Hosted by the EAIF, the largest SME's & startups European AI umbrella organization, our conference aims to bring together policymakers and AI entrepreneurs to address the most pressing issues shaping the European AI ecosystem.


All 9th European AI Forum recording:

Executive summary: Erika Kuročkina, Vice-minister of the Economy and Innovation Ministry of Lithuania, highlighted the importance of AI in transforming business processes, public sector operations, and daily life. She emphasized Lithuania's proactive approach in AI governance, mentioning the country's early adoption of an AI strategy and ongoing efforts to implement the AI Act and establish AI sandboxes for startups. Kuročkina also stressed the need to address public apprehension towards AI by promoting understanding and skills development to foster an innovation-friendly environment.

Tomas Lamanauskas, Deputy Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), addressed the European AI Forum, highlighting the transformative potential and governance challenges of AI. He emphasized the necessity of responsible AI development, citing applications in healthcare, climate monitoring, and humanitarian efforts. Lamanauskas discussed global AI governance initiatives, including the AI for Good Summit and the need for inclusive policies that involve developing countries. He warned about the risks of AI, such as misinformation and environmental impacts, urging sustainable practices and global cooperation. The ITU's initiatives aim to harness AI's benefits responsibly while ensuring equitable participation and addressing global disparities.

Dr. Volker Wissing, Federal Minister for Digital and Transport of Germany, emphasized the importance of stakeholder collaboration to achieve "AI made in Europe" by promoting innovation-friendly regulations and frameworks. He highlighted the success of the G7's common guardrails for AI development and the European AI Act, stressing the need for adaptable, reliable frameworks and the availability of data for AI innovation. Dr. Wissing also mentioned the efforts of the Innovation Club, which includes Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Germany, to foster a digital single market in Europe and urged stakeholders from various sectors to contribute to driving digital change.

Thomas Schneider, Chair of the Council of Europe Committee on AI (CAI), discusses the challenges and strategies for regulating AI while fostering innovation. He draws parallels between AI and past disruptive technologies like engines, highlighting AI's unique impact on cognitive labor. Schneider emphasizes the need for adaptable, inclusive, and transparent governance structures to effectively manage AI's rapid development and global nature. He outlines various international and national approaches to AI regulation, stressing the importance of interoperability and cooperation. Finally, Schneider underscores the need for future-proof legal frameworks and dynamic legislative processes to ensure AI developments are aligned with human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.

Professor Volker Wittpahl, Managing Director of the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit), discussed the accelerating impact of AI on society, economy, and democracy in his keynote address. He traced the evolution of AI from pattern recognition to advanced self-learning algorithms and massive data utilization, highlighting AI's capability for automated influence through content generation and disinformation. Wittpahl warned of potential societal harms, including loss of trust in digital news, communication, and privacy, exacerbated by technologies like deep fakes and voice cloning. He emphasized the need for robust AI regulation and the development of positive AI applications to support democracy and societal well-being. Wittpahl's recommendations included promoting data and AI literacy, establishing trusted news sources, and creating secure communication systems to mitigate AI's negative impacts.

Henri Verdier, Ambassador for Digital Affairs of France, emphasized the importance of protecting human rights in the digital era during a recorded address at the AI forum organized by Lithuania's AI Association. He highlighted the European Union's AI Act as a pioneering regulation aimed at mitigating risks associated with AI technologies and promoting unified standards across the continent. Verdier called for international cooperation to ensure AI's integration respects fundamental rights and fosters equitable opportunities, inviting further engagement at the upcoming French AI Action Summit in 2025.

In a panel discussion moderated by Thomas Schneider, key figures from European AI organizations provided insights into the current landscape of AI development and regulation. Chloe Plédel highlighted France's focus on AI strategy, including public sector integration and sustainability initiatives. Piotr Mieczkowski discussed Poland's AI policy revision and efforts to enhance computing power and data accessibility for AI development. Daniel Abbou emphasized Germany's challenges with AI Act implementation, SME integration, and the need for European AI independence. The panel stressed the importance of collaboration across European nations to ensure effective AI regulation, innovation, and ethical AI development.

Aco Momčilović, Board Member of CroAI, explored the "Paradox of Progress" in AI, focusing on its implications for loneliness and social disconnection. Highlighting statistical data on loneliness and the increasing capabilities of AI models like GPT, Momčilović posed critical questions about AI's ability to comprehend and emulate human emotions, its impact on emotional development, and its potential influence on human identity and values. He also discussed current and future societal shifts towards AI companionship, urging continued research and discussion on these complex ethical and societal issues.

Chloé Plédel, Head of European and Regulatory Affairs at Hub France IA, discussed the environmental impact of AI, emphasizing the need for sustainable AI practices. She highlighted the significant energy and water costs associated with AI, especially generative AI, and noted the lack of consensus on definitions and standards for sustainable AI. Plédel underscored the slow pace of research and development in this area, partly due to a focus on performance and financial gains over sustainability. She introduced a new general framework for Frugal AI, developed in France, which aims to standardize sustainable AI practices and includes guidelines for environmental evaluation and best practices. This framework, set to be published soon, is intended to be expanded to a European standard, and Plédel encouraged AI experts to get involved in this initiative to drive ecological innovation forward.

Prof. Lucas P.J.J. Noldus discussed the implications of the European AI Act, focusing on the ban of emotion recognition systems in workplaces and educational institutions, as outlined in Article 5. He highlighted the ambiguity in definitions of emotion and biometric data within the Act, which could hinder innovation and beneficial applications in fields like healthcare and safety. Noldus urged for collaborative efforts to refine guidelines, address ethical and societal concerns, and prioritize research to mitigate risks associated with emotion recognition systems.

The panel discussion on the dual use of AI was moderated by Prof. Paulius Pakutinskas and featured Simona Pūkienė, Tomas Krilavicius, and Eliza Kruczkowska. The discussion emphasized the importance of AI in both civilian and military applications, highlighting the challenges of distinguishing between the two. Simona Pūkienė noted the pervasiveness of AI across various defense domains, while Tomas Krilavicius stressed the necessity of contributing to safe AI developments due to its unavoidable use in defense. Eliza Kruczkowska pointed out the growing investment in dual-use AI technologies and the changing regulatory landscape in Europe. The panelists agreed on the need for collaboration between academia, industry, and government, as well as fostering public engagement and education about AI. They concluded that responsible development and usage of AI technologies are crucial for balancing innovation with ethical and security considerations.

Valeria Orlova, with a background in digital health technology and regulation, discussed AI standards in Europe, emphasizing the upcoming EU AI Act and its compliance requirements. She highlighted the role of international and European standardization organizations like ISO, IEC, and the new JTC 21 committee, which are developing standards to align with the AI Act, focusing on ethics, transparency, and risk management. Orlova encouraged broader stakeholder engagement in standardization efforts to ensure the standards reflect diverse industry and societal needs.

Rok Zaloznik, President and co-founder of the Swiss AI Association, discussed the importance of certification in AI, highlighting the CertifiAI initiative which ensures responsible and ethical AI development for companies, especially beneficial for investors. The certification, based on data, model, process, governance, and ethics, aims to assure the quality and trustworthiness of AI solutions.

Lucilla Sioli, head of the European AI Office and DG Connect, announced the launch of the AI office, which will implement the AI Act, ensuring AI used in the EU is trustworthy and safe. The office will foster innovation, promote AI excellence, and support international cooperation, aiming to position Europe as a global leader in AI governance. She highlighted the AI Innovation package, providing over 4 billion EUR to support startups with resources like data, computing power, and collaboration opportunities to drive generative AI development across various sectors.

Dr. Katharina von Knop, a senior project manager at the VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies, discussed the profound impact of digital trust on human decision-making and the significance of trustworthy AI. She highlighted how trust, being a complex and culturally influenced emotion, is crucial for interactions with digital solutions, which can be manipulated or misunderstood without proper transparency and reliability. Von Knop emphasized that trust simplifies decision-making by reducing cognitive load and energy consumption, which is why clear, reliable user interfaces and robust regulatory frameworks are essential. She introduced the VDE Trust Label as a tool to enhance trustworthiness in AI, underscoring its role in facilitating better decisions and compliance with regulations.

Orestis Trasanidis, Director of the Silicon Valley Hub at EIT Digital, highlighted the need for Europe to enhance its AI innovation to compete with the US and China. He emphasized that while Europe has a strong foundation in AI, it lags in investment, talent retention, and scale-up density compared to other regions. Trasanidis advocated for increased funding, better regulatory frameworks, and a focus on building trust in AI through ethical standards. He also called for greater collaboration among European startups, streamlined funding processes, and a mindset shift towards embracing high-risk, high-gain investments to foster AI growth.

Alex Dickmann Project Lead AI Village. The AI Village, located near Cologne, is transforming a former TV studio into a hub for AI innovation, supported by the North Rhine-Westphalian government. It focuses on three pillars: experiencing AI through events and demonstrations, developing AI via workshops and collaboration with universities and research partners, and learning AI through courses for employees. The initiative aims to establish the Rhineland as a leading AI region in Europe, having already engaged with over 2,500 people and initiated numerous projects.

The European AI Awards have been announced, aiming to showcase innovation across the European AI ecosystem by recognizing excellence in five categories: best AI investors, AI businesses, spin-offs and applied AI, ecosystem enablers, and AI policy. Applications open in July, with winners announced in December during the European AI Forum. The awards are open to participants from all European countries except Russia and Belarus, including non-EU countries like Switzerland and the UK.

More about event and European AI Forum (EAIF): 

Представяне на Drones&AI Labs в рамките на Inter Drone Expo 2022

Клъстер Изкуствен Интелект България се включи в тазгодишното издание на Inter Drone Expo 2022, където беше представен проекта Drones & AI Labs. 

Drones & AI LABs е създаден в края на 2020г. с подписването на мемурандум между Асоциация Обединено Дрон Общество, Клъстер за Изкуствен интелект и Клъстера за интеграция на нововъзникващи технологии.

Мисията на Drones & AI LABs е създаването на ефективна, устойчива и високо проводима комуникационна среда, благоприятстваща лесния обмен на информация, развиването на стратегически партньорства и осъществяване на съвместни мултидисциплинарни проекти в областта на дроновете, изкуствения интелект и комбинирането им с други технологии. Към момента партньорската мрежа наброява над 50 организации от академичните среди, бизнеса, държавната администрация и местното самоуправление.

AI Club | Annual AI Report 2022 Bulgaria

В това издание на Клуб Изкуствен Интелект, ще се запознаем с резултатите от годишния доклад за Изкуствен Интелект на България.

Любомир Тодоров ще представи книгата си "Free or Alive: The Controversial Origin of Universal Future". В студиото ще бъде и Лилия Горанова от SeeNews, която ще ни помогне да разгледаме развитието на Изкуствения Интелект в България и на Балканите.

AI Cluster Bulgaria е официален партньор на SUPERSONIC – годишното събитие на София Тех Парк за иновации! 

Supersonic – годишното събитие на София Тех Парк за иновации, технологии и наука се завръща! Второто издание на Supersonic, на тема TECH & KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER, ще се състои на 10 ноември в иновационен форум “Джон Атанасов” на научно-технологичния парк. Събитието е посветено на научно и технологичния трансфер - изключително важни процеси, свързани с развитието и комерсиализацията на приложната наука в България. Целта е да се изгради капацитет в тази сфера в дългосрочен план, както и да се подобри синергията между науката и бизнеса с цел създаване на повече български иновативни стоки и услуги, конкурентни на световните пазари.

Supersonic TECH & KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER е под патронажа на Президента на Република България Румен Радев.

Участие в конференцията ще вземат 10 водещи световни експерти, повече от 20 представители на инвеститорски компании в областта на рисковия капитал, както и над 50 водещи български учени. По време на бизнес панел ще бъдат представени дейностите на над 20 български компании, а в изложението на произведени у нас иновативни продукти или услуги Made in Bulgaria 2.0 ще се включат още 20 проекта.

Партньори на събитието и участници са – ИАНМСП, Endeavor България, Института Fraunhofer, IMEC, BESCO, ПАРА, RATIO, STEAM Cluster, Патентно ведомство на Република България, , Dev.BG, AI Cluster Bulgaria , Health and Life Sciences Cluster, SPINOFF BULGARIA, Venrize. Медийни партньори са Нова ТВ,,, БНР - Радио София, Media Bricks, BG Nauka

Информация, програма и безплатна регистрация:

AI N' CYBER is here! The AI Cluster is partnering of the biggest event for AI and Cyber technologies.

The long-awaited conference AI N' CYBER returns to Sofia in person during the international cyber security month.

The event will take place on the 5th and 6th of October in Sofia Tech Park. It aims to provide government officials, leaders of the industry, the C-suite and students with vital information on the latest cutting-edge technologies, trends and challenges in the fast-evolving world of Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence.

Who: experts in the fields of cyber security, artificial intelligence and machine learning; IT consultants; business intelligence analysts, intelligent system engineers, developers, business leaders, business managers, CEO, CIO, Governmental officials, Internet Attorneys, Startup representatives, entrepreneurs, graduates, IT enthusiasts.

The event is organised by the Digital National Alliance in cooperation with NATO, the European Investment Bank Konrad Adenauer Foundation and


Sofia Microelectronics and Mechatronics Forum 2022

The 2nd Microelectronics and Mechatronics Forum is organized by the Technical University of Sofia, the Cluster of Microelectronics and Industrial Electronics Systems, and the Cluster of Mechatronics and Automation.

The forum will take place in the newly opened National Center of Mechatronics and Clean Technologies at the Technical University of Sofia. It will be a one-day in-person event with the option for remote/online attendance. Leading companies in the domains of Microelectronics and Mechatronics, universities within Bulgaria and Europe, representatives of the governmental administration relevant to the development of the industry, education, research, innovations, and technology transfer are expected to attend the event.

Kristina Eskenazi will be the moderator of the Panel discussion of the Future of the Microelectronics in Bulgaria, together with Martin Danovsky, Ivan Mihaylov and Dimitar Nikolov. 


Представяне на Новата европейска иновационна програма

Новата европейска иновационна програма бе представена за първи път у нас в рамките на събитието "Новата европейска иновационна стратегия: Възможности и предизвикателства", организирано от Изпълнителната агенция за насърчаване на малките и средните предприятия (ИАНМСП) и Български иновационен форум в партньорство със София Тех Парк. 

Събитието, което събра над 300 представители на иновационната екосистема и академичните среди, бе открито от еврокомисаря по иновациите, научните изследвания, културата, образованието и младежта Мария Габриел, министъра на иновациите и растежа Александър Пулев, министъра на образованието и науката проф. Сашо Пенов и изпълнителния директор на ИАНМСП Бойко Таков. Сред гостите бяха председателят на Българската академия на науките (БАН) акад. Юлиан Ревалски и ректорът на Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски" проф. Анастас Герджиков. 

В рамките на форума Кристина Eскенази – съосновател на Клъстер Изкуствен Интелект България и председател на Биотехнологичен и здравен клъстер, в качеството си на ръководител на работната група "Talent. Education and deep tech" модерира дискусионния панел „Насърчаване на иновациите“ с участието на Наташа Куруцки, Служител по политиката - ГД "Изследвания"към ЕК, Проф. д-р Мариана Мурджева, ректор на Медицински университет Пловдив, Антоанета Кръстева, Директор на Главна дирекция „Образование, младеж, спорт и култура“ към ЕК, арх. Любомир Станиславов, изпълнителен директор на БРАИТ и Христо Етрополски Директор Маркетинг и инвестиционни услуги в Българска агенция за инвестиции (БАИ)

Останалите работни групи в Български Иновационен Форум се ръководят от Марияна Хамънова  - изп. директор на Cleantech България, Моника Станишева – президент на Борда на директорите на и Милена Стойчева.

Link of the VIDEO

Spinoff Bulgaria

На 1-2 септември 2022 г. се проведе първото издание на международната конференция "Spinoff Bulgaria". 

Инициативата е създадена от Биотехнологичен и здравен клъстер България, Клъстер изкуствен интелект България и Venrize ООД, с основен партньор и съорганизатор Изпълнителна агенция за насърчаване на малките и средните предприятия (ИАНМСП).

Спинофът (Spinoff) e новосъздадена компания (стартъп) с висока  добавена стойност. Тези компании са основата на икономическия растеж и иновациите, като създават нови работни места, отключват частен капитал и стимулират научноизследователската и развойна дейност.

Събитието  се проведе за първи път в България, като има за цел да създаде устойчива spin-off екосистема, която до 2030 г. да създаде над 100 нови технологични стартъпи.

Основните сектори, които бяха представени по време на конференцията, са информационни и комуникационни технологии, иновации, биотехнологии, изкуствен интелект, стартъп и др. Акцент в събитието беше трансфера на технологии и корпоративни spin-off програми, инвестиции и иновации на ранен етап, новата европейска иновационна стратегия, както и бяха представени добри примери за български и международни спинофи, които ще имат възможност да се представят пред инвеститори.

Линк ТУК

Oткриването на Националния център по мехатроника и чисти технологии в Технически Университет - София!

Впечатляваща инфраструктура, която ме прави наистина позитивна за иновационното развитие на страната ни!

В Центъра са изградени 16 лаборатории, оборудвани с най-съвременната и уникална за страната апаратура и инфраструктура, което е предпоставка за провеждането на авангардни изследвания в областите: мехатроника, виртуално инженерство и дигитални производства, роботизирани системи и мехатронни технологии, биомехатроника, микро/нано инженеринг за мехатронни технологии, вибрационни и акустични мехатронни технологии, адитивни технологии, функционални покрития и нови материали, системи за управление, енергийна ефективност, устойчиво използване на суровини и ресурси, транспортен инженеринг, електромобилност и други. 

Прочети още на Столица.bg 

Старт на инициативата „Европейски форум за жени новатори“

„Европейски форум за жени новатори“ е вече факт! В срещата се включи и Kristina Eskenazi, която споделя, че в рамките на проведените срещи с вдъхновяващи жени от 19 държави в Европа, обмененият опит за развитието на иновационна екосистема е засилило възможностите за колаборация и развитие на женското предприемачество в България! 

Bulgarian Innovation Forum starts the series meetings! 

Kristina Eskenazi became the leader of the  Working Group: “Talent, education and deep-tech”, next to the Bulgarian Innovation Forum (BIF)!

Focus on our discussion were the topics related to:

Bulgarian Innovation Forum (BIF) is inspired by Maria Gabriel a month ago, and it aim is to straighten the Bulgarian innovative ecosystem. The initiative is created as a platform for exchanging knowledge, sharing experiences and good practices to accelerate the introduction of new technologies and innovations.

"Образование на бъдещето: обучение и образователни инициативи в областта на Изкуствения Интелект (AI) в България"

На 12 Април се проведе поредното издание на AI Club Bulgaria и Clubhouse

В предаването може да се запознаете с новата бакалавърска програма по Изкуствен Интелект и Интелигентни системи към Машинно-Технологичен Факултет, Технически Университет - София, за която ни разказва на живо в студиото доц. д-р инж. Радослав Милчев. Можете да видите и победителите от второто издание на GirlsinAI Bulgaria и Stephanie Velichkova от Дигитална Национална Коалиция

Предаването даде старт и на новия Доклад за Изкуствен Интелект в България!

Линк към събитието:

The 4th edition of the European AI Forum starts now!

Join and meet Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, and #MariyaGabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Karlo Ressler, Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chair Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence, and Mark Boris Andrijanič, Slovenian's Minister for Digital Transformation, Claire Skentelbery, Director General of EuropaBio - the European Association for Bioindustries, Jasen Tanev from #DigitalNationalAllianceBG

Our panels will focus on the challenges of the European AI ecosystem, biometric surveillance and the use of AI for cybersecurity.

Подкаст: Създателите - дигиталните оптимисти на България

Kristina Eskenazi разказва как индустриите на биотехнологиите и изкуствения интелект променят света ни в декемврийския подкаст на Създателите - Дигиталните оптимисти на България 

Линк към Аудиото!

SEW 2022

Огромни благодарности на комисар Mariya Gabriel, патрон на инициативата Startup Europe Week, която откри събитието на живо в София и записа видео обръщение към всеки от глобалните ко-организатори. 

AI Cluster joins the international conference "Innovation and Investments"

Bulgarian Employers Association Innovative Technologies (BRAIT), together with the Bulgarian SME Promotion Agency, organizes an international conference on the topic of "Innovation and Investments".

The event will be held on December 2, 2021, in the new hall of the Technical University of Sofia, block 8 and will be attended by representatives of both private business and public administration.

In the panel "Biotechnology & AI" with moderators Dimitar Dimitrov and Kristina Eskenazi, the topic of discussion were:

● Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare & Life Sciences - Cross-technology, cross-industrial and cross-regional innovative approach

● Blitz interview with Mark Treherne and martin Shiderov - best practices and UK know-how for education and technology transfer.

The event is organized thanks to the media support of Bloomberg Bulgaria!

Искаме да изкажем своята благодарност за възможността да се включим в AI & CYBER | AN ABUNDANCE OF POTENTIAL| конференцията на Дигитална Национална Коалиция, Български дипломатически институт/Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute, с подкрепата на Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Bulgarien и НАТО!

За AI Cluster Bulgaria участието ни в дискусии за дигиталното бъдеще на България остава във фокуса на нашето внимание!

Видео ТУК

Opening of JOIST Innovation Park, Larisa, Greece

The future of the common activities between Bulgarian and Greek innovative ecosystem - #AI, #LifeSciences, #VR/AR, #Health, #Robotic.

Kristina Eskenazi was a moderator at the panel for "The Contribution of Innovation Parks to Regional Development: JOIST Innovation Park & Similar Examples from Europe" in a company of Todor Mladenov, Nick Efthymiadis, André H.R. Domin, Federico Menna, Aureliusz Górski,

Many new friends and possible collaborations were discussed with Panayotis Vlahos, Dimitros Vlachakis, George Megas, George D., Georgios Georgiadis, Michael Dritsas.

The conference was welcomed via video by The Vice-President of the European Commission, Mr Margaritis Schinas, and the Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, MariyaGabriel!

Empowering Female Healthcare & AI Innovators

Member of the MB, Mrs Kristina Eskenazi become a Member of the international female international accelerator programme-Grit ( The organisation have a strong representation from global healthcare leaders in Ireland, Northern Ireland, UK, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Croatia, Boston, Dubai & Australia. Eilísh Hardiman Barbara Skerritt (she / her) Eibhlin Mulroe susan neenan Conor Russell Sarita Johnston Joann Rhodes MBA, Agne Vaitkeviciene Ligia Kornowska, MD Professor Sarah Wamala Andersson Kristina Eskenazi Hrvoje Belani Jennie Lynch PJ Moloney Kerryn Butler-Henderson Anna King.

The objectives for this programme is to enable female entrepreneurs operating in digital health and life science with the knowledge and confidence required to scale their individual business.

Участие в Лаборатория за умения в Индустрия 4.0

Забавления за предприемачи: Лаборатория за умения в Индустрия 4.0, организирано от Българска стопанска камара, в дебат за мястото на изкуствения интелект в индустрията! 

В дискусията се включиха Светлин Пенков и Кристина Ескенази.

Към събитието:

"AI & The Digital Economy"

Кристина Ескенази, гост панелист в "AI & THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | Shaping Bulgaria’s Digital Future in OECD Perspective", посветен на възможностите за успешно крос-секторно сътрудничество на изкуствения интелект в публичните политики. Видео ТУК 

AI Cluster Bulgaria се включи в Меморандума Варна - град на знанието

Клъстер Изкуствен Интелект България се включи в Меморандума за сътрудничество по проекта "Варна - Град на Знанието"!  Каузата има за цел дългосрочно развитие на морската ни столица и трансформиране на икономическия профил на града чрез дигитални, иновативни и зелени решения.  Повече по темата ТУК 

Форум Иновации и Икономически растеж

Let's start clustering!

Клъстерът взе участие на Българо-румънска клъстерна конференция „Биоикономиката като двигател за екологичен чист, устойчив и приобщаващ растеж. Клъстерите и тяхната роля на ключови играчи в процеса“, която се проведе на 28-29.9.2020 г. във Варна. Повече за събитието и видео от представянето на клъстера ТУК 

Предприемачи на бъдещето

Димитър Димитров и Кристина Ескенази взеха участие в дискусията за Секторите с най-голям потенциал и промените днес. Видео от събитието ТУК 

Science with a Future: America for Bulgaria foundation to fund local robotics, AI science projects

“What if the next big breakthrough in AI comes from one of the participants? I don’t want to miss it,” says jury member Svetlin Penkov, the chair of Клъстер Изкуствен Интелект България / AI Cluster Bulgaria. What kind of projects is he hoping to see in this year's "Science with a Future" competition organized by America for Bulgaria, how far can the funding go and where is the future of AI and robotics? 


AI CLUSTER е партньор на НАУКА С БЪДЕЩЕ 2 

Клъстер Изкуствен Интелект е официален партньор във второто издание на Конкурса  НАУКА С БЪДЕЩЕ 2, организирано от Фондация „Америка за България“.

Крайният срок за подаване на кандидатури е 15 април 2021 г., 17 ч., чрез интернет страницата на конкурса:

 AAIC Logistics 

We are happy to be a network partner of the upcoming @AAIC - Applied AI Conference on Logistics and Supplychain Management!

Join us for 2 days and listen to international keynotes, panel discussions and workshops on storage and replenishment warehouse automation container port delivery logistic operations.

Linkedin event & livestream under

#Free b2b networking (registration link in 1st comment)

The AAIC Logistics is organized by our partner AI Austria in cooperation with ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA from the Austrian chamber of commerce.

Applied AI Conference

We are happy to be an official partner @Applied AI Conference in #Forestry, #Timber, and #Wood Conference! Let's talk about real-world use cases of #ArtificialIntelligence that transform the industry! Join us online on Sep 23 - Register for free: @AI Austria @ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA @TECHHOUSE - The home of innovation 

ML (машинно самообучение) като узряваща технология 

На 13 юни от 10:00 ч. с нас в студиото лектори ще бъдат Даниел Бaлчев от Hyperscience и Svetlin Penkov.

Живото излъчване може да проследите тук:

През декември 2019 г. Hyperscience бе streaming партньор на NeurIPS - най-голямата конференция в областта на deep learning, като осигури достъп до някои от лекциите за българската ML общност, както и изпрати някои от водещите си ML инженери на самото събитие във Ванкувер. Един от тях е и лекторът на този уебинар - Даниел Балчев.

В рамките на уебинара Дани ще представи някои идеи и статии от конференцията, свързани с подобряване на възпроизводимостта на статиите в областта, правене на модели, които могат да бъдат по-лесно интерпретирани, и модели, които знаят кога не знаят.

AI Seminar: Constructing a Bayesian Sports Rating System 

Какво е приложението на математическите модели в спорта? Какви са съвременните спортни системи за оценяване? Знаете ли коя е първата система за спортни рейтинги, построена върху строги статистически основи, която се използва от Световната шахматна федерация (FIDE) през 1970 г. и от Международната федерация по футбол (FIFA) през 2018 г.? Отговорите на тези и още много други въпроси за приложението на изкуствения интелект в съвременния спорт може да откриете тази събота (9 май) от 10:00 сутринта, на първата онлайн среща на AI Club.

Applied AI Conference 2020

We are happy to partner with the Applied AI Conference 2020, Europe’s largest B2B event on #artificial #intelligence. Join us on May 11th to experience real-world AI applications from leading companies such as Element AI, Sony AI and HPE. In addition all registered participants may arrange 1:1 video meetings among each other on our platform.


Да избереш България: млад учен се завръща след успехи зад граница

Светлин Пенков е един от онези млади българи, които могат да имат блестяща кариера във всяка точна на света. Прави докторантура по роботика и изкуствен интелект в университета в Единбург. След това цели две години и половина е част от най-големия стартъп за автономни автомобили във Великобритания. През септември 2019 година обаче се връща в България.

За потенциала на страната ни, за изкуствения интелект в битката с коронавируса и роботиката – пред Вдъхновените говори Светлин Пенков, съосновател и председател на Българския клъстер за изкуствен интелект.

Цялото интервю може да прочетете ТУК

Ще донесе ли изкуственият интелект драстична промяна в живота ни?

Изкуственият интелект и новата геополитическа надпревара. Ще донесе ли изкуственият интелект драстична промяна в живота ни? Разговор с Кристина Ескенази и Светлин Пенков – Клъстер Изкуствен Интелект България. 

Цялото интервю в Телевизия Европа може да видите ТУК