Spinoff Bulgaria
“Spinoff Bulgaria” is an international conference that aims to create and implement a sustainable spin-off ecosystem and culture, which by 2030 will create 100 new technological startups originating from science universities or existing corporations.
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Drones & AI Labs
Международният проект Drones & AI LABs е създаден в края на 2020г. с подписването на мемурандум между Асоциация Обединено Дрон Общество, Клъстер за Изкуствен интелект и Клъстера за интеграция на нововъзникващи технологии.
Мисията на Drones & AI LABs е създаването на ефективна, устойчива и високо проводима комуникационна среда, благоприятстваща лесния обмен на информация, развиването на стратегически партньорства и осъществяване на съвместни мултидисциплинарни проекти в областта на дроновете, изкуствения интелект и комбинирането им с други технологии. Към момента партньорската мрежа наброява над 50 организации от академичните среди, бизнеса, държавната администрация и местното самоуправление.
AI Club
The AI Club is a result of a successful partnership between AI Cluster Bulgaria and Sofia Tech Park Groworking Space.
The objective of the AI Club is to equip the experts, students and enthusiasts with the ability and skills to analyze, design and develop computer systems and their applications. The focus of the regular monthly meetings will be on developing and strengthening systems thinking, problem-solving, analysis, design, research, teamwork and readiness for lifelong learning in areas of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep-Learning.
AI Reports
AI Cluster Bulgaria with SeeNews published Anual AI Report for the Bulgarian AI ecosystem with the aim of showing the progress of the Bulgarian AI ecosystem and positioning our country on the global map for solutions and technologies for artificial intelligence, highlighting the sector's development capacity.
The report is based on solid data directly from the industry, which is why we need information from all companies in Bulgaria that use AI to solve problems in different industries.
Link to download the report HERE
Institute for Quantum Technology next to the AI Cluster
The Institute for Quantum Technologies is composed of a multidisciplinary group of researchers from the fields of computer science, mathematics, chemistry, and physics. The Institute will research applications of quantum technology, advances and current state of quantum hardware and algorithms/programming languages. Quantum technology is among the most expansive and challenging technologies of our time. To meet this challenge, the AI Cluster bring together scientists, engineers and industry in an inspiring environment. We are creating the quantum future because we believe that quantum technology can improve the state of a number of social and economic sectors, including health, security, agriculture and climate change.
Проектът КиберКЛУБ има като основна мисия създаването на ефективна и устойчива среда, благоприятстваща лесния обмен на информация, развиването на партньорства и осъществяване на съвместни проекти в областта на киберсигурността и нововъзникващите технологични сектори.
КиберКултура и КиберУстойчивост:
Устойчивостта и балансираността на комуникационната среда се гарантират от широка представителност на партньорите. Те са представители на академичните среди, бизнеса, граждански организации и публичен сектор.
Клъстер Изкуствен Интелект България е сред основателите на КиберКЛУБ .
Повече за инициативата тук:
Building of a Technology Transfer Platform (TTP)
Development of a Digital Platform for Technology Transfer (PTT) with inbuilt analytics that allow for provision of meaningful statistical data and professional analysis, which, in turn, could be the basis of expert recommendations for future politics that support generation of growth in the industry.
EU Projects & Programs
Searching and establishment of collaboration opportunities in EU and International Projects with focus over the Green Deal, Horizon Europe.
Borderless AI
Health & Life Sciences cluster together with AI Cluster Bulgaria, AI Austria, AI Serbia, AI Sweden, and UK established the initiative during the summer 2020.
Meeting series
The goal of the meetings is to exchange information on current situations and challenges in front of European and international AI community. The first three meetings combined the specialist from Austria, Sweden, Bulgaria, UK and Serbia AI
Media Center
The Media Center has been established as a unit of the Health & Life Science Cluster Bulgaria in order to promote the freedom and access to information, to support the biotechnology community, to promote contemporary Bulgarian journalism in the field of technology and knowledge exchange, and to expand the cooperation between the state administration, the private sector, educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations, with a view to further improve the coverage of scientific topics in Bulgarian media.